The information on this page is designed to help candidates determine their accommodation needs as applicable to the specific format and delivery of each part of the LSAT®. We encourage candidates to review this information to learn about the specifications of the test, including the test interface’s built-in accessibility features and the types of assistive technology that are compatible with the LSAT and LSAT Argumentative WritingSM.
Multiple-Choice Section of the LSAT
The vast majority of test takers have the option of testing remotely or in test centers. When requesting testing accommodations, please consider the accommodations needed for both testing modalities. Candidates will be able to select their preferred testing modality at the time of registration. However, certain accommodations are best administered in a remote modality while others are best administered in a test center modality. Because of this, certain accommodations may require you to take the test using a particular modality.
Starting with the August 2024 administration, the three scored sections of the LSAT will include two sections of Logical Reasoning questions and one section of Reading Comprehension questions. (The LSAT will no longer include an Analytical Reasoning section.) The LSAT will continue to include a fourth, unscored variable section, which enables us to validate new test questions for future use. The LSAT will also continue to include a 10-minute intermission between the second and third sections for all test takers.
Alternative formats (e.g., paper-and-pencil, braille) are available as testing accommodations. Approved paper-based format tests (including braille) for the LSAT multiple-choice sections will be provided only in Prometric test centers and available to candidates located within the United States (including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands) and Canada.
For the online, live remote-proctored test, all LSAT takers will need to use their computer’s camera and microphone to set up the online, live remote-proctored session. All timing of the test will be implemented within the LawHub interface.
We encourage test takers to familiarize themselves with the list of personal items that are permissible during the LSAT without prior approval from LSAC.
For information about the LSAT’s built-in accessibility features and the types of assistive technology that are compatible with the LSAT, please review Accessibility, Assistive Technology, and the LSAT below.
LSAT Argumentative Writing
LSAT Argumentative Writing is an essential part of the LSAT but is administered separately from the multiple-choice sections of the test. LSAT Argumentative Writing is an unscored writing sample that is delivered online using secure remote-proctoring software that is installed on the candidate’s own computer. The structure of LSAT Argumentative Writing is specifically designed to elicit the kind of argumentative writing that candidates will be expected to produce in law school. LSAT Argumentative Writing is not scored; however, each test taker must have a completed and approved writing sample on file in order for their LSAT score to be released.
LSAT Argumentative Writing must be taken remotely and will continue to be administered separately from the multiple-choice sections of the test.
For more information about the writing portion of the LSAT, please review the LSAT Argumentative Writing page and LSAT Argumentative Writing FAQs.
Accessibility, Assistive Technology, and the LSAT
The LSAT and LSAT Argumentative Writing test-delivery software includes several built-in, user-adjustable tools, including a feature to increase text size incrementally and a line-spacing function.
Upon request, all LSAT test takers (with or without testing accommodations) are permitted to use assistive technology programs to make web content accessible, such as keyboard-controlled screen reading software, screen magnification programs, or speech recognition software. To protect the security of test content, selectable text functionality (i.e., the ability to select text or place the cursor on the screen) is not available on any of LSAC’s products. Therefore, the computer-based LSAT is accessible with screen reader software programs that can be controlled and navigated using keystrokes and keyboard commands rather than text-to-speech software controlled and navigated using a mouse and cursor.
If you plan to use assistive technology programs during the LSAT, you must inform LSAC during registration and complete the Assistive Technology Form. This advance notice is required so that we can ensure you’ll have access to the software within the proctored environment.
The following programs are available upon request in our test centers:
- JAWS 2021 screen reader
- ZoomText 2022 magnification
- Dragon Pro 15 speech recognition software
For remote testing, you will need to provide your own assistive technology programs.
International test takers can only use assistive technology programs within our test centers.
LSAT Argumentative Writing is administered remotely for all test takers.
Getting Familiar with the Interface
We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the built-in features of the computer-based LSAT by utilizing the free Official LSAT Prep® practice tests available through LawHub™ . To get familiar with LSAT Argumentative Writing, candidates are encouraged to use their own equipment to explore LawHub’s free LSAT Argumentative Writing practice prompt. The practice test software for both the LSAT and LSAT Argumentative Writing is designed to enable candidates to become familiar with the test interface and experience.
If you use screen reader programs or other accessibility software, please be sure to use your programs to explore the practice test tools mentioned above prior to your test date. If you have any questions about the accessibility of LSAC’s products, please contact accessibility@LSAC.org.
For a non-exhaustive list of testing accommodations that may be available, please visit Accommodations That May Be Available on the LSAT.