In observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, LSAC offices will be closed on Monday, January 20. Customer service representatives will be available by phone (1.800.336.3982), email ( and through our chat feature from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET. We will return to normal operating hours on Tuesday, January 21.

law school candidate requesting testing accommodations online
Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs about LSAT Accommodations

LSAC strives to ensure LSAT® takers have the information and resources they need to succeed on test day. The FAQs below have been compiled based on common questions we receive about testing accommodations. The questions have been divided into subjects to help you find the information you’re looking for.

General LSAT FAQs are also available, as well as FAQ collections that address specific aspects of the test, such as LSAT Argumentative WritingSM and LSAT Score Preview.

Quick Links:

Requesting Testing Accommodations

Previously Approved LSAT Accommodations

Accommodation Decisions

Preparing for Test Day

LSAT Score Reporting

Requesting Testing Accommodations

What must I submit in order for my request for accommodation to be reviewed?

All new requests for testing accommodations must be submitted through your LSAC JD Account. The online form will guide you through the process of providing all required information and documentation. To learn more about the documentation needed to complete your request, please visit Documentation Requirements.

LSAC does not return or provide copies of documentation. You should retain copies of all documents submitted, for your own records.

When is the deadline for submitting documentation for an accommodation request?

Please refer to Upcoming LSAT Dates for specific details about test dates and deadlines for the LSAT. The accommodation request deadline is always the same as the test registration deadline for any given administration of the LSAT. All new requests and supporting documentation must be submitted by the stated accommodation request deadline to be considered for that administration of the test. Documentation will not be processed if it is not received on time. There are no exceptions to this deadline.

Note that the online “Request Accommodations” system will not accept submissions for a given administration after the deadline has passed. Requests that are submitted to Accommodated Testing by email must be received in LSAC’s office by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on the deadline day associated with your LSAT registration.

Will LSAC confirm receipt of my documentation?

Information on the status of your accommodation request will be posted to your LSAC JD Account under LSAT Status. In most cases, confirmation of receipt of documentation will be noted on your account approximately 5 business days after LSAC receives your documentation.

I need to have medication or a medical device with me during the test. Do I need to submit a request for testing accommodations?

If you have a medical need for one or more of the following personal medical items during your test, you do NOT need to make a request or submit documentation to LSAC for approval. These items are permitted for all test takers during the test without prior authorization: non-tinted eyeglasses, hearing aids, medication (e.g., pills, inhaler, insulin/glucose tablets, eye drops), heart monitor, arm or shoulder sling, cast, brace, cane, crutches, walker, wheelchair, insulin pump/glucometer/diabetic supplies (Note: Bluetooth-enabled medical devices must be preapproved as a testing accommodation), TENS unit, service animal (not comfort animal).

Do I need to request food as an accommodation?

Test takers are permitted to access food on authorized breaks, such as the 10-minute intermission or any approved break time. If you require food at your workstation during testing due to a disability-related need, it must be requested as an accommodation and supported by your Qualified Professional. If you are approved to have food at your workstation during the LSAT and will be testing in a test center, there are no restrictions to the type(s) of food you can bring. However, out of consideration for all test takers, we ask that you be mindful of foods with strong odors or those often associated with allergic reactions (such as nuts) and refrain from bringing those foods to centers on test day if possible. Additionally, it is advised that any food you bring not require heating or refrigeration, as microwaves and refrigerators are not available in Prometric test centers.

The forms listed in the Documentation Requirements page look different. Do I still need to submit a Statement of Need? And what happened to the Evidence of Disability form?

To streamline and simplify the documentation requirements, LSAC has updated the Candidate Form so that candidates can now include their own statement of need directly on the Candidate Form.

Similarly, a section was added to the previously titled “Evidence of Disability” form to permit the Qualified Professional the opportunity to write a supporting statement of need for the candidate’s request directly on the form. The document was renamed “Qualified Professional Form” to clarify the purpose of the form and who should be completing the document.

With these revisions, a third and separate “Statement of Need” form is no longer needed. Additionally, a description of each of the three Categories of requests is now available on the Documentation Requirements webpage (as this information previously was found in the Statement of Need form).

These updates should provide helpful assistance to candidates by streamlining the process and clarifying the information required to support an accommodation request. Please feel free to contact with any questions. 

Is there a way to double-check that my online request was submitted successfully, and that I remembered to request each accommodation that I am seeking?

As soon as you submit your request, a PDF copy of your submission will be available for your reference on the LSAT Status page of your LSAC JD Account. We encourage you to review the copy of your submission to ensure you included everything you intended. Candidates are able to request new or additional accommodations up until the accommodation request deadline associated with the test date for which the request was made, but we are unable to accept any new or additional requests after the deadline. Specific deadlines for each test date can be found at Upcoming LSAT Dates. Please contact with any questions.

English is not my first language. Am I eligible for accommodations?

Being an English language learner is not considered a disability and does not make you eligible for disability-related accommodations. However, if you have a documented disability, we encourage you to request the accommodations you need. Testing accommodations for the LSAT are available to test takers with documented disabilities who demonstrate a need for disability-related modifications to the standard test administration.

What if the documentation from my Qualified Professional is not in English?

If your existing records are not in English, you must include a complete set of translations for all documents along with copies of the originals. Translations must be literal, line-by-line, word-for-word, and in the same format as the original-language documents.

My Qualified Professional recommended accommodations that I did not request. Will they be approved?

There are many instances when a Qualified Professional may suggest or recommend testing accommodations that a candidate does not wish to request. Therefore, we ask candidates to complete the Candidate Form to specify which accommodations they are seeking on the LSAT. Accommodations recommended by the Qualified Professional that have not been directly requested by the candidate are not considered to be part of the candidate’s request and, therefore, are not subject to approval.

Previously Approved LSAT Accommodations

Do I have to submit a new request for accommodations if I was granted accommodations on a prior administration of the LSAT/LSAT-Flex and am seeking the same accommodations on a future test?

No, subject to the exception noted below (See Exception to This Policy).

Registered test takers are automatically approved to receive the same accommodations they were approved to receive on their last administration of the LSAT/LSAT-Flex, without having to submit a request for accommodations. No supporting documentation is required from these candidates. An approval letter will be posted to the candidate’s online account.

Your previously approved accommodations will be adjusted to provide equivalent accommodations for the LSAT’s current testing modalities as needed. LSAC will provide notice of any equivalent accommodations granted within the approval letter posted to your online account. 

If you have any questions about automatically approved accommodations, please contact an LSAC Accommodated Testing Customer Relations Specialist by phone at 855.384.2253 or email at

This is important. This automatic approval policy only applies with respect to accommodations previously approved for the LSAT/LSAT-Flex. However, there is also a streamlined process and approval procedure for candidates who were previously approved to receive testing accommodations on certain other standardized postsecondary admission tests. Candidates who wish to request accommodations on the LSAT based on documentation of their receipt of accommodations on certain other standardized tests should review LSAC’s  Policy on Prior Testing Accommodations on Certain Other Standardized Postsecondary Admission Tests and submit the required documentation within the published deadlines.

Exception to This Policy

If your last LSAT was more than five years before your current test registration date, LSAC may no longer have data or records related to your approved accommodations on that test. If for any reason you do not see an approval letter posted to your LSAC JD Account within one week of registering, please contact LSAC immediately by phone at 855.384.2253 or email at If LSAC no longer has data relating to your prior request and approval, it will be your responsibility to provide LSAC with acceptable documentation that 1) shows that testing accommodations were previously approved on the LSAT and 2) specifically identifies what those approved accommodations were. Please visit Documentation Requirements for a complete description of this policy.

Accommodations that were approved due to a temporary condition (e.g., broken bone) are not subject to automatic approval under this policy. Candidates who were approved to receive accommodations on their last administration of the LSAT due to a temporary disability and who wish to seek the same, different, or additional accommodations on a later administration of the LSAT must submit a new request for accommodations and submit the required documentation (detailed below) by the accommodation request deadline. 

I was previously approved for stop/start breaks and was provided one minute of additional testing time for each break taken. Will I receive one minute of additional testing time for each break taken if I take the LSAT or LSAT Argumentative Writing again?

Beginning with the August 2023 administration of the LSAT, LSAC discontinued adding an additional minute of testing time for each stop/start break taken by test takers. This change also applies to test takers who were previously approved to receive stop/start breaks and were given one minute of additional testing time on a prior test. If you would like to seek different or additional testing accommodations on a future administration of the LSAT in light of this change, you must submit a timely request with appropriate support in accordance with LSAC’s testing accommodation policies and procedures. 

Now that the LSAT is being administered in-person and remotely, how will my previously approved LSAT accommodations be applied?

Pursuant to LSAC’s automatic approval policy, when you register for the LSAT, you will be automatically approved to receive the same or equivalent accommodations that you previously were approved to receive on your last administration of the LSAT/LSAT-Flex. You do not need to submit a new request or supporting documentation. As we now offer the LSAT both in test centers and remotely, some previously approved accommodations will need to be adjusted to provide equivalent accommodations for either the in-person, center-based testing or the online, remotely proctored testing format and environment, depending on where you test.

Please note that certain accommodations are best administered in a remote modality while others are best administered in a test center modality. Because of this, certain accommodations may require you to take the test using a particular modality. For more information, please review Accommodations That May Be Available on the LSAT.

LSAC is committed to working with test takers with disabilities to see that their accommodation needs are met in order to access the test. If you have any questions regarding your accommodations in the context of the online, live remotely-proctored LSAT or testing centers, please contact LSAC at or 855.384.2253.

How will my previously approved LSAT Writing accommodations apply to LSAT Argumentative Writing?

Candidates will be automatically approved to receive their previously approved LSAT Writing accommodations that are relevant to the current format and delivery of LSAT Argumentative Writing. For example, if you were previously approved for 50% extra time on LSAT Writing, you will have 50% extra time (23 minutes) on LSAT Argumentative Writing’s prewriting analysis component and 50% extra time (53 minutes) on LSAT Argumentative Writing’s writing component. All test takers will have the option to move past LSAT Argumentative Writing’s prewriting analysis after 5 minutes of time has expired. 

For information regarding the use of special equipment to read and/or enter text for LSAT Argumentative Writing, please review Accessibility, Assistive Technology, and the LSAT.

I was approved for an alternate paper-based format as a testing accommodation on a prior LSAT. How will my previous accommodations apply to the online, live remote-proctored test?

Candidates who were previously approved to receive a regular-print (9.5-point font) or large-print test book (e.g., 18-point font or higher) as a testing accommodation will continue to be automatically approved to receive a regular- or large-print test book administered with a paper-and-pencil test format. Candidates are encouraged to contact LSAC if they prefer to take the LSAT online (given, among other things, the built-in functionalities of the online format, including the ability to increase the font size and line spacing).

This is important. Candidates approved for paper and pencil testing accommodations will now test in a testing center. For more information, please review Alternative Testing Formats.

I was approved for noise-canceling headphones. Does that mean I can use any type of headphones during my remote test?

No. You may only wear non-electronic, non-corded/banded, and non-Bluetooth noise cancelling earmuffs, similar to those worn by ground handling staff at airports.

Accommodation Decisions

How long will it take for LSAC to respond to my request for accommodation or to inquiries about my request?

If you have submitted an accommodation request for an upcoming or future administration of the LSAT, please be aware that we are reviewing requests as quickly as possible. If you are registered for a future administration, there may be a delay in the review of your request due to pending deadlines for upcoming administrations. If you have an immediate need, please call Accommodated Testing at 855.384.2253 and a customer relationship specialist will be happy to assist you.
General email inquiries sent to will be responded to within 1 to 2 business days. If you need immediate assistance for a general inquiry, please call Accommodated Testing at 855.384.2253 and a customer relationship specialist will be happy to assist you.

Call center hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET, and Saturday and Sunday from 12 to 4 p.m. ET.

How do I make changes to my current approved testing accommodations?

All changes to your approved testing accommodations can be modified through your LSAC JD Account.

Requesting Different or Additional Accommodations or Modifying Your Approved Accommodations

If you are seeking different or additional accommodations on this administration of the LSAT and/or LSAT Argumentative Writing, including any accommodations that were previously requested and denied, you must submit a request by the deadline associated with your registration. Please see Documentation Requirements.

If you are seeking to modify already approved accommodations (for example, to seek less time than that which has been approved, but still additional testing time — e.g., 100% additional time was approved, and you wish to modify to request only 50% additional time), you must submit the request to modify by the deadline associated with your registration.

To modify or request additional test accommodations, please proceed to Step 2 in your online account to indicate those changes and to upload any new documents to support your additional request.

Opt Out/Decline Approved Testing Accommodations

Candidates who are approved for accommodations also have the option not to accept any approved or automatically approved accommodations. If that is your election, please refer to Opting Out of Approved Accommodations for additional information.

Preparing for Test Day

Do I need to contact Prometric to tell them I have accommodations? How will the proctor know what my accommodations are?

It is not necessary for you to contact Prometric in advance of your test appointment to confirm receipt of your approved accommodations. The details of approved accommodations for all test takers are provided to Prometric directly by LSAC prior to each testing window. Further, the approved section or break time for your test is built-into the LawHub computer software that is used for all LSAT modalities and formats. This includes tests administered in a test center or remotely, as well as tests taken in paper-and-pencil or braille format.

What if I don’t have a private and/or quiet room in which to take the remotely proctored LSAT due to my personal living situation?

LSAC understands that some candidates may not have access to a quiet or private room in which to take a remotely proctored test. Candidates may now request to take the LSAT at a designated testing center.

Are breaks available as an accommodation on the online, live remote-proctored LSAT and, if so, are test takers allowed to leave the camera view to use the restroom?

Breaks are available as accommodations on the LSAT. If breaks are approved as an accommodation (for any reason), they may be used to leave the camera view and go to the restroom. Scratch paper or other materials must remain on the desk and test takers are not permitted to work on the test during breaks. Upon return from a break, test takers should be prepared to show their photo ID and complete a full room scan again just like at the beginning of the test.

Note that out of respect for each individual’s privacy, the test session will be terminated if a test taker is observed using the restroom in view of the camera, sleeping, or removing/changing clothes on camera.

I have been approved for extra time on the LSAT and the LSAT Argumentative Writing. How does extended time work on the LSAT Argumentative Writing portion since there is a prewriting analysis component to it now?

Your approved accommodation for extended time will be applied to both the prewriting analysis and the essay portion of your LSAT Argumentative Writing. For example, if you are approved for 50% extra time on the LSAT Argumentative Writing, you will have 50% extra time (23 minutes) on the prewriting analysis and 50% extra time (53 minutes) on the writing component. All test takers will have the option to move past the prewriting analysis after 5 minutes of time has expired.

I have been approved for accommodations that will make my test appointment much longer than the standard administration. Am I going to be able to take a break at some point during the test?

The standard administration of the four-section LSAT includes a 10-minute intermission after section 2. However, LSAC understands that accommodated test takers often have a longer testing appointment and therefore may need additional breaks between sections of the test. Therefore, any test taker who has been approved for 100% additional time (or more) will be granted five-minute breaks between the other test sections upon request (i.e., after sections 1 and 3; in addition to the standard 10-minute intermission after section 2). Requests for these additional 5-minute breaks must be made by the published accommodation request deadline. Test takers can use these breaks to use the restroom even if the need for a restroom break is unrelated to the test taker’s disability. Candidates can still request other break(s) as accommodations on the LSAT and are not limited to five-minute breaks between sections.

I am approved for a paper-and-pencil (or braille) format LSAT. Can I still test remotely?

Candidates approved for paper-and-pencil or braille formats will now be required to test in a designated Prometric testing center of their choosing.

If you seek a paper-and-pencil or braille format test and have accommodation needs related to testing at a test center, those accommodations should be requested along with your request for a paper-and-pencil or braille format test.

LSAT Score Reporting

How are accommodated scores reported to law schools?

LSAC does not annotate the score reports of individuals with disabilities who take the LSAT with testing accommodations, including the accommodation of extended testing time. All accommodated scores are reported in the same manner as non-accommodated scores. Further, LSAC does not notify or communicate to law schools that a candidate has requested or tested with accommodations.

How to Reach Accommodated Testing

For additional questions and support, please contact us via your preferred method:

Include your name and LSAC account number in the subject line.

Phone: 215.966.6625

Toll-free: 855.384.2253

Accommodated Testing Complaints

If you have a complaint regarding 1) LSAC’s final determination regarding a request for accommodations on the LSAT, or 2) the administration of approved accommodations on the LSAT, please submit your concerns via email to

This is important. Emails sent to this address must include the candidate’s LSAC account number in the subject line.