LSAC’s Top Ten Quick Tips
Preparing to navigate the law school application and enrollment process can feel overwhelming. LSAC is here to support you in taking those first steps, beginning with the tips below, designed to help you channel your focus and energy into becoming the best and most well-rounded law school candidate you can be. While every path to law school is unique, there are some general words of advice that many law school graduates would share with their “prelaw selves” if given the chance. These lessons learned from the road to law school can serve as a guide to help you cultivate the skills, experiences, knowledge, and interests to support your journey to law school and beyond.
- Explore your interests broadly — both inside and outside of the classroom!
- Learn more about how law is a part of every industry and how law intertwines with everyday life. The more you know, the better prepared you will be — but don’t worry about having specific “legal” experience prior to attending law school.
- Read as much as you can, from books to news articles, blogs, and magazines.
- Understand that while courses like philosophy will help you develop critical thinking skills, any class that interests and challenges you will also provide a strong foundation upon which to begin your law school journey.
- Writing and research are key skills for law school, so take as many writing-intensive courses as possible, including English and literature.
- Pursue your passions! Join student organizations with activities that speak to you. If you’re interested in making a difference in the community, step up and volunteer for leadership positions in those organizations.
- Practice becoming a better manager of your time, study schedule, projects, and social life. Learning to prioritize your time well now will put you on the path to academic and future professional success.
- Look for internships and other opportunities outside of the classroom so you can begin building professional relationships with people in the legal field.
- Learn about what lawyers do, how other professionals apply legal knowledge, and what other career paths may be enhanced by legal education.
- Give yourself plenty of time to prepare for the LSAT. Take advantage of the free and low-cost test prep options available at LSAC.org to build your confidence prior to test day.
Support for Your Law School Enrollment Journey
We are here to help you. If you have questions, please contact us at LSACinfo@LSAC.org.
More to Help You Get Started
Enter your name and email address below to download a free resource guide featuring information to help you prepare for the LSAT, learn more about the law schools that interest you, begin the application process, and more.