Due to scheduled system maintenance, LSAC customer service representatives will be available only from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET on Thursday, March 27. We will return to our normal schedule, 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET, on Friday, March 28.

Architectural columns

JD Help and FAQs

For questions about the LSAT, please see LSAT FAQs.

For technical support issues, please see Technical Support

Your LSAC JD Account

Can I use a first name that is different than my legal/given first name?

Yes. LSAC recognizes that candidates may use a name other than their legal name to identify themselves. These may include, but are not limited to, people who prefer to use their middle rather than their first name, people who prefer to use a nickname, people who use an anglicized name, or people who use a name which affirms their gender identity (chosen name).

You can provide your preferred or chosen first name, regardless of whether you have legally changed it, when you create a JD account. This name will auto populate into your account profile, and LSAC will use the name on most correspondence sent to you. Please note, you are still required to provide your legal/given name for ID verification purposes along your journey to law school.

Where and how will my preferred or chosen first name appear?

Your preferred or chosen first name will appear in the following ways:

  • On your JD account profile
  • On most LSAC direct communication to you

Where will my legal/given name appear, and when will I have to use it?

Your legal name will be stored in your account profile and will be included or used in at least the following areas:

  • On emails to you about your LSAT registration or score release. Specifically, all emails will be directed to you using your preferred name. However, your legal name will appear in the body of the email.
  • Current test day security protocols require candidates to present a valid government-issued photo ID. During the identity verification process when you take the LSAT, the legal name on your photo ID must match the legal/given name on your account profile.
  • On score reports to candidates and to schools.
  • On Credential Assembly Service (CAS) files and associated reports.
  • On correspondence related to testing accommodations.
  • As may be required to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation, or for LSAC to protect against or defend legal claims.

I already have a JD account. How can I edit my profile (e.g., preferred/chosen name, legal name, date of birth, etc.)?

Once you complete your account profile and save it, you can edit your information, including your first name (legal and preferred/chosen), last name, date of birth, and Social Security/Insurance number, through your LSAC online account opens in new window.

To make changes, visit the “Profile” page included in the “My Account” menu. Your preferred/chosen first name may be updated at any time, but you may be required to upload documentation to support certain other biographical information changes, such as Social Security/Insurance number, date of birth, and legal first and last name. For more information, please visit Biographical Information Changes.

This is important. It is very important to remember that in order to be permitted to take the LSAT, the first and last name listed on your government-issued ID you will use in the verification process must exactly match the legal first and last name listed in your LSAC online account. 

If you have questions about editing your account profile, name usage, or the ID verification process, contact LSAC Candidate Service at LSACinfo@LSAC.org.

Where can I see the items I purchased on the site?

Once you are logged in to your account, click on the My Account tab, and under My Account Reports, you can view the detailed report about your purchases.

Credential Assembly Service (CAS)

Do I need to sign up for CAS?

ABA-approved law schools and many other law schools require CAS for JD applicants. If you are a JD applicant educated outside the United States, its territories/associated states, or Canada, and you are not applying to any school that requires the authentication and evaluation feature of CAS, you are not required to register for this service. However, you may choose to register for it if you plan to use the electronic application or the letter of recommendation service.

Are law school application fees included in the CAS fee or the CAS Report fee?

No, application fees are not included in these fees. Check each law school’s application instructions for information about their fees.

How can I obtain a refund of the CAS registration fee?

If a summary of your bachelor’s-level record has not yet begun, no letters of recommendation have been received, and no electronic applications have been sent to LSAC for processing, LSAC will issue a partial refund of your Credential Assembly Service (CAS) fee. We must receive your request in writing before your CAS registration expires. Simply send the completed refund request form (PDF) available on this website or send a signed, dated letter requesting a refund. For more information, visit JD Refunds.

This is important. Please Note: Refunds for CAS Reports ordered but not used will not be given once any summarization has occurred.

My cumulative GPA is different on my transcripts than on the LSAC Academic Summary Report. Why?

U.S. grades are converted by LSAC to a standard scale to furnish law schools with a uniform basis for comparing applicants. LSAC-member schools, in establishing the Credential Assembly Service, have selected a common set of numerical values to represent the various grading systems used by colleges. This system may vary from that of the college you attended.

Visit LSAC’s Interpretive Guide to Undergraduate Grading Systems for more information about how your school’s grades are converted.

Can my CAS report be sent if all transcripts have not been received?

Your file must be complete in order for reports to be forwarded to the law schools. This means that all bachelor’s-level transcripts, as well as a valid LSAT score and any required letters of recommendation, must be in your file before your report is sent to the schools. For schools requiring the authentication and evaluation feature of CAS, all transcripts — bachelor’s-level and graduate-level — must be on file, and the evaluation must be complete.

Am I required to use the LSAC Letter of Recommendation service?

Use of this service is optional unless a law school to which you are applying states that its use is required. You should always check the specific letter of recommendation requirements of each law school to which you are applying by consulting the law school’s application materials.

Can I use a letter of recommendation for an admission year other than the one it was written for?

If you intend to reuse a letter of recommendation for an admission year other than the one for which it was written, or for a different law degree program, it is a good idea to contact the recommender as a courtesy to make sure that the person does not mind this reuse. Some recommenders may wish to write an updated letter when you apply in a subsequent reporting year or to a different type of program. A recommender may decide to rescind a letter after becoming aware that it has been repurposed, if permission to reuse the letter has not been requested and granted.

Electronic Applications

Some schools require additional materials that can only be found in their catalogs or on their websites. Some schools may change their fees or requirements during the year. It is a good idea to check each law school’s website or catalog to make sure your application materials are complete and on time.

Carefully check your completed applications before electronically sending them to LSAC or mailing them to the schools.

Electronic applications have been provided to LSAC by all of the ABA-approved law schools. The applications are up-to-date as of the time they were submitted to LSAC. All ABA-approved law schools will accept properly completed electronic applications; many law schools prefer that you submit your applications electronically via LSAC.

Opening Your Electronic Applications

When I try to print or view my application, it does not display.

Applications must be viewed in Adobe Reader only. Not seeing the application itself or your answers is caused by either your browser using its own version of a PDF reader or by not having Adobe Reader version 10 or later installed. If you have an earlier version of Reader, you need to uninstall it, then download and install a later version. Reader is available free from https://get.adobe.com/reader. If you have a current version of Adobe Reader and have the same issue, you may be using Firefox, which has its own PDF viewer that is not compatible. You may want to try a different browser.

A pop-up blocker can also cause a problem. You should verify that your pop-up blocker is turned off. To disable the pop-up blocker:

Internet Explorer: Click either Tools from the menu or press [Alt]+[T] to bring up the Tools menu. There should be an option for Pop-up Blocker. Make sure that selecting this option shows Turn on Pop-up Blocker. If it says Turn off Pop-up Blocker, simply click on that option to disable the blocker. Alternatively, click the Gear icon in the upper-right-hand corner of your browser window, select Internet Options, select the Privacy tab, and make sure that the checkbox in the Pop-up Blocker section is unchecked.

Mozilla Firefox: If you are using a Macintosh, you would access this through Preferences in the Firefox menu. If you are using a Windows computer, click on Tools and select Options. Navigate to the Content tab where there should be a checkbox for Block pop-up windows. Uncheck the box to disable the blocker.

Safari 8: Click on the Safari menu, then select Preferences. Click Security and uncheck the box Block pop-up windows.

Google Chrome: Click the three horizontal lines/dots at the end of the address bar, select Settings, then Show Advanced Settings. Select Privacy, then click Content Settings. In the Content Settings window, scroll down to Pop-ups, then click Manage Exceptions. In the Pop-up Exceptions dialog box, under Hostname Pattern, type www.lsac.org and choose Allow. Click Done, then Done again in the next window, and close the Settings tab.

I received the following error message when trying to access an active application: “It appears that you have attempted to open a second application in a new browser window or tab. Please close this browser window and tab.”

This issue is commonly caused by using the browser navigation buttons (forward page or back page) to navigate the Online Services account or closing the browser window before successfully logging out of the account page. Please be sure to only use the links, buttons, and tabs on the account pages to navigate through the LSAC online account.

To resolve the issue, you will need to clear your browser’s cache (temporary internet files) and cookies. Begin by first logging back in to your LSAC JD Account, then immediately using the link in the upper-right corner to Log Out. Follow the specific procedures below for your browser to clear the cache and cookies, close the browser window completely, restart the browser, log back into your account, and retry accessing this section of your account.

Safari: Click Safari in the upper-left corner, then Preferences. Click Privacy, then Manage Website Data, then click Remove All to remove all of the cookies and website data, or scroll down the list and select lsac.org, then Remove the selected entry. Click Done. If the message persists, repeat the instructions, then restart your device.

How do I add schools to My School List?

Upon logging in to your account, go to the Apply tab, mouse over the Applications link, and then click on the School List link. On the My School List page, click School Search. You have three choices: Add Member Schools displays the list of all LSAC-member schools; Add Nonmember Schools lists law schools that are not LSAC members; and Search Official Guide directs you to a database where you can research information about ABA-approved law schools. You can add schools from all three places. Check the box next to each school of interest and click Save Selections to School List at the top of the page (or Add to School List from the database) to create an alphabetical list. You may reorder this list any way you choose by assigning each school a number; click the name of a school on your list to see a workspace. Select My Law School Order or My Notes to assign a number and to save any personal notes. On the Sort My School List drop-down menu, choose My School Order to see the list in your chosen order.

What are the differences between the various application methods?

When you click on Start/Continue Application on My School List, you must select from the available applications, the school term, and application type. Next, select from among the two application methods.

  1. Apply and submit online: Choose this option to complete the entire application process online. The application will be submitted electronically to the school, and you will be prompted to purchase a CAS Report at checkout.
  2. Apply via paper application: Choose this option if you are using a paper copy of the school’s application. You will never be able to access the online application. You will fill it out entirely by hand and mail it to the school. You can assign your LORs and purchase an LSAC CAS Report using this option. Some schools do not offer this option.
This is important. Please Note: Regardless of which application method you choose, LSAC’s Credential Assembly Service (CAS) is still used to build your CAS Report, which consists of your transcripts, letters of recommendation, and LSAT scores. If you are mailing the application to the school, you must purchase a report online. Follow the link from the school’s Active Applications page. When an electronic application is added to your Shopping Cart, a report is automatically included at checkout.

How do I open an application?

Once you have selected an application method (see above), click Apply. In the application’s workspace, click Application to open the application.

I received a “Session Error” message.

This issue is commonly caused by using the browser navigation buttons (forward page or back page) to navigate the Online Services account or closing the browser window before successfully logging out of the account page. Please be sure to only use the links, buttons, and tabs on the account pages to navigate through the LSAC online account.

To resolve the issue, you will need to clear your browser’s cache (temporary internet files) and cookies. Begin by first logging back in to your LSAC JD Account, then immediately use the link in the upper-right corner to Log Out. Follow the specific procedures below for your browser to clear the cache and cookies, close the browser window completely, restart the browser, log back into your account, and retry accessing this section of your account.

  • Firefox: Select History from the menu at the top of the window. Select Clear Recent History (or hold down the [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Delete] keys). Make sure both the Cache and Cookies boxes are checked, and select the time range to clear. We recommend selecting Everything. Then click the Clear Now button. If you have never cleared your cache and cookies before, this may take a few minutes.
  • Internet Explorer: Go to the Tools menu (or hit [Alt]+[T] on your keyboard), select Internet Options, then click the General tab (if it is not already selected for you). In the Browsing History section, click Delete. Make sure the Temporary Internet Files and Cookies boxes are checked, then click Delete at the bottom. Again, depending on how often you clear your history, this may take a few minutes.
  • Google Chrome: Click the three horizontal lines/dots at the end of the address bar and select History, or press ([Ctrl]+[H]). In the next menu under History (on the left side), click Clear browsing data. (If you do not see the menu, click the three bars next to History in the upper-left corner, then click Clear browsing data.) Select All time in the drop-down menu next to "Time range." Only select the checkboxes for Cookies and other site data and Cached images and files. Click Clear browsing data. The window will close. Close the settings tab and close the browser, then reopen the browser and log into your account to continue.
  • Safari: Click Safari in the upper-left corner, then Preferences. Click Privacy, then Manage Website Data, then click Remove All to remove all of the cookies and website data, or scroll down the list and select LSAC.org, then Remove the selected entry. Click Done. If the message persists, repeat the instructions, then restart your device.

Completing Your Electronic Applications

Is there a spell checker?

Unfortunately, there is no way to check your spelling within the program. Due to the formatting of the application fields, built-in spell-checking programs (such as in Firefox) will not work. Please reread your answers carefully before transmitting your applications.

Some of the application fields are too small. What should I do if I cannot fit my answer into the space provided?

Try to make your information fit by limiting your response and using abbreviations when possible. Character counters are included for fields that may have lengthy responses. If the field requires a longer answer but there is not enough space, you can consider creating an attachment that fully explains your answer to a given question.

What if there isn’t enough space for my undergraduate school or major on the law school applications?

You must abbreviate the name of the school or your major to fit onto the line. The law school will receive your transcripts which they will be able to match to this section. On applications with drop-down menus, select your college and major. The program will automatically abbreviate them for placement in the application.

I received a message that says I selected a term that is inconsistent with the entry term I indicated. What does that mean?

Many schools have more than one entry for a term. It is important for the entry term you select on the application list to be the same as the entry term you indicate on that school’s application. For instance, if you select Fall as the entry term from the application list and then indicate Spring as the entry term on your application, you will get a warning message stating that you selected a term that is inconsistent with your original choice. If you really wanted the Spring application, you must delete the Fall application and choose the Spring application from the School List section.

I accidentally selected and saved the wrong application for a law school. Now I cannot select the application I really want to complete.

You can only transmit one application for each term for each law school. First, you must delete the application you saved. Click Apply, click Applications, and then click Active. Under the Action column, click View next to the application you want to delete. On the left side of the screen, click Delete. Click OK when prompted with “Are you sure you want to delete this application?” Your saved application will be deleted, and you will be able to open the other application for that term in the School List section.

What is an electronic signature?

An electronic signature is a certification by you that may be used in lieu of a written signature. By taking some action, such as clicking a button or typing your name, you are electronically certifying a document you would physically sign if it were on paper. Some schools may not accept electronic signatures; these schools use certification letters that you must print, sign, and mail to the law school. If the school requires an electronic certification, there will be a document in the Forms section containing a checkbox to be clicked before the application can be transmitted. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete your application transmission process.

How do I complete the certification letter?

Certification letters may be required by some schools and will be included in the Forms section of the application if it is required. You will need to follow the school’s instructions to print and complete Forms offline. Not all schools require a certification letter.

How do I generate letters of recommendation (LORs)?

Once you are logged into your LSAC JD Account, click Letters of Recommendation under Credentials on the Apply menu to learn more about this service. Click Add/Edit My Recommenders to complete a required form to print or email to your Recommender.

Your assigned LORs will be sent as part of your CAS Report to the law schools to which you apply, so you need not delay the submission of your applications while waiting for your letters to be received. You must direct letters of recommendation to law schools based on each school’s requirements or preferences.

Creating Your Attachments for Your Electronic Applications

How do I create and upload attachments?

You can create personal statements, résumés, and any other required documents in word-processing programs (such as Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, Notepad, and so forth) and attach them to your applications. The file name must not contain spaces or special characters. To upload and attach your files, select the attachment type in the Attachments section of the application, click Browse, choose the file you would like to attach, enter a title in the Describe file field, then click Attach. You can attach files in the following formats: DOC, HTM, HTML, TXT, WP, WPD, RTF, WPS, WPT, DOCX, PDF. Maximum file size is limited to 3MB.

It is important that the description of your written statements convey information regarding the content so that if you wish to edit or delete a written statement in the future, it will be easily identifiable. Law schools do not see the name of your attached documents.

How do I view my attachments?

At any point while completing the application, you may click on the Review Application (PDF) button on the Application Home screen to see what your application package will look like when the school views it or it is printed by LSAC. You need Adobe Reader 10 (or later) installed on your computer to use the preview function. Please review the preview carefully as it displays an exact copy of what will be sent to the law school.

How do I edit my attachments?

To edit a document you have already uploaded, you will need to remove it and then replace it with your edited document. Click the attachment that you wish to edit, and click Delete. Then you can upload another file.

How do I delete an attachment?

To delete an attached document you have already uploaded, click the attachment that you wish to delete, and click Delete.

Printing Your Electronic Applications

How do I print my application?

Click the Review Application (PDF) button that appears on the Application Home page and then click Print when the application opens up in Adobe Reader. If it opens in the webpage instead of Adobe Reader, right click the application and click the Print option.

This is important.Please Note: The law school electronic applications were tested on numerous printer, browser, and operating-system configurations. It is not possible to anticipate results on every printer model. Make sure to proofread every application prior to sending it to a law school.

Saving Your Electronic Applications

How do I save my application?

Click Save at the bottom of each section of the application. Please make sure to use your mouse to click on the buttons.

I saved or completed an application and now there is a notice that the school has updated the application. What do I do?

If a school has updated its application before you transmit it, you will need to open the application and complete the new or updated items.

How do I find a list of the applications I’ve saved?

From My Home page, go to ApplyApplications, and then click Active. Your active applications will be listed. A column at left indicates the current status of an application. All saved applications will show a status of In Progress.

Can I change information on an application that I have already saved but not yet sent to LSAC?

Yes. You can edit information from any application with a status of In Progress. From the Active Applications list, click on View next to the name of the school for the application you wish to change. Then click on Application in order to edit that application. Remember to save it again when you are finished making changes. If the application’s status is Shopping Cart, you must first remove the application from the Shopping Cart to return it to Active Applications.

When can I preview my application?

You can preview your application at any time by selecting the Review Application (PDF) in the Application Home section of your account. Once it is 100% complete, you can select Preview Application (PDF) on the Active Applications page.

How can I track my progress on an application?

There is a progress bar on both the Active Applications page, under the selected school, and also on the Application Home page that will show you your progress with both a visual guide and a numerical percentage. Individual sections that are completed are checkmarked.

Can I delete a saved application?

Yes. You can delete any application as long as its status is listed as In Progress on the Active Applications page. Click View next to the name of the application you wish to delete and then click Delete under Prepare to Apply. The application will be cleared, and it will no longer appear on the list of Active Applications. If the application’s status is Shopping Cart, you must first remove the application from the Shopping Cart to change the status back to Saved. If the application is marked as Sent, Transmitted, or Completed, you cannot delete it.

This is important.Please Note: You cannot delete an application if the term has expired and you have letters of recommendation assigned to it.

How do I remove an application from my shopping cart?

Go to your Shopping Cart, then click the Remove link next to the application. Your application is now returned to Active Applications.

Transmitting Your Electronic Applications

Can I electronically transmit my applications directly to the law schools?

No. When you check out of the Shopping Cart, your application is sent to LSAC for processing; it is time-stamped and made available for the law school to download. Within 24 to 48 hours, a paper copy of your application is printed and mailed to the law school. Some schools may choose to receive an electronic copy only.

How can I be sure my applications are transmitted by LSAC to the law schools in time to meet their deadlines?

Law schools can specify to LSAC the date and time of day (Eastern Time) they wish to stop the transmission of electronic applications. Information about these deadlines is included in the application instructions or checklists, and to the right of the school name in Active Applications, as well as on the law school’s website. You have met the application deadline if you have checked the application out of the Shopping Cart before the deadline date. Please check the law school’s website to verify the deadline date.

This is important.Please Note: You must place your completed applications in the Shopping Cart and complete the checkout process before transmission to the law schools can occur. The Save button only saves your application data. It does not send your application electronically to LSAC for transmission to the law school.

Each application is stamped with the date and time (Eastern Time) you send it to LSAC. Once the application’s status is listed as Transmitted, the law school can immediately access the application, although each school maintains its own schedule for reviewing incoming applications.

We highly recommend that you not wait until the last minute to send your applications to LSAC. Internet slowness, server problems at your ISP or elsewhere, or other issues beyond LSAC’s control may occur, resulting in the deadline passing without your application being transmitted. Once the deadline has passed, the time stamp cannot be changed, so please pay careful attention to deadline dates. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have completed all the necessary steps to transmit your application.

Why hasn’t my application been transmitted?

First, check the application’s status. If the status is listed as Shopping Cart, you must complete the checkout process before your application will be sent to LSAC. Once sent, applications can take up to 48 hours to be processed and transmitted to the law schools, depending on server load and other variables. If it is listed as anything other than Sent, Transmitted, Processing, or Completed, you have not completed the electronic transmission process. If the status is listed as Processing, you should monitor the progress of your application to see that it moves to Sent or Transmitted within 24 hours. If it does not, you should notify LSAC Technical Support. It is your responsibility to check and ensure that you have completed all the necessary steps to transmit your application.

I did not receive my confirmation email for my transmitted law school application.

The “confirmation of transmission” emails are generated automatically. If you are not receiving them, you should check that your email address is correct in your LSAC JD Account or that those emails are not getting caught in your spam filter. You can verify that the application was transmitted by logging into your account and opening the specific law school application that you transmitted. It should say Transmitted next to the name of the law school under the LSAC Completed section of Applications.

How will I know if the law schools received my applications?

After you send your applications to LSAC for processing, you can make sure they were sent to the law schools by logging in to your LSAC JD Account and checking your LSAC application status online. The law school will request your CAS Report.

Why hasn’t the school received my transmitted application?

If your application status is Transmitted, it means that an electronic copy of the application has been sent to the school. Your application is time-stamped when electronically transmitted so the school knows exactly when you sent it. Also, some schools do not want any part of your CAS Report, including the application, if your file is not complete.

What is the deadline for transmitting applications?

Law schools specify the date and time of day (Eastern Time) they wish to stop the transmission of electronic applications. Information about these deadlines is included in the application instructions of the individual law schools, and to the right of the school name in Active Applications, as well as on the law school’s website. The time of day for the deadline can be different from other law schools. Please check the law school’s website for the day and time of their deadline.

It is highly recommended that you not wait until the last minute to transmit your applications. Internet slowness, server problems at your ISP or elsewhere, or other issues beyond LSAC’s control may occur, resulting in the deadline passing without your application being transmitted. Once the deadline has passed, the time stamp cannot be changed, so please pay careful attention to deadline dates. Once LSAC transmits an application, it can be immediately accessed by the law school, although it is up to the school how often they review incoming applications.

How early do I need to send my applications?

You should send your applications as early as possible to avoid last-minute complications. The deadline for electronic application transmission is established by each school. The schools list their deadlines on their application instructions or checklists and to the right of the school name in Active Applications.

I have added a lot of applications to my Shopping Cart and now I am getting an error message when I try to check out. What should I do?

The Shopping Cart size is limited. If you place too many items in your cart, you may be unable to check out. Also, if the items exceed the limit, a warning will be displayed and the Checkout button at the bottom of the page will become hidden. To remove applications from the Shopping Cart, click Remove next to the application. Your application is now returned to Active Applications. No more than 19 items may be checked out in one transaction. An application and its CAS Report count as two items in the Shopping Cart.

I sent an application, then noticed an error or need to make a change. Can I edit and resend the application?

After an application has been sent to LSAC, it cannot be recalled, canceled, or resent. You will be required to review your entire application package before proceeding to Checkout. Once you complete the checkout process, you cannot make any changes to your application via LSAC; you will need to contact the school if you need to make any changes, corrections, or additions to your transmitted application. You cannot transmit another application for that term.

Can I transmit my law school application even though all of my letters of recommendation or transcripts have not been received by LSAC?

Yes, you can transmit the application before all parts of your LSAC CAS Report have been received at LSAC. The law school will request a report when it receives your application. The law schools can either choose to receive the parts of the CAS Report as they arrive at LSAC or they can request that LSAC hold onto the CAS Report and application until it is complete. This also means that those schools do not want the application until the report is complete.