A blog exploring all aspects of law and legal education — the future of the legal profession, access to justice, diversity and inclusion, testing and assessment, law and technology, and more.
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LSAC data examines when LSAT test takers and law school matriculants first began considering a career in law.
Every year in mid-December, the ABA releases a trove of data about our nation’s law schools. Here are some key takeaways from this year’s certified data.
The recently published LSAC Knowledge Report underscores the need for coordinated and persistent efforts to understand and address the specific needs of today’s aspiring lawyers.
Alexus Johnson knew she had a purpose as she embarked on a path to a law degree, and while beating what many would consider to be insurmountable odds, it’s that purpose that continues to fuel her journey.
At the most successful law schools, responsibilities for academic support and advising, professional identity formation, career development, and employment outcomes are shared by the whole law school.
As you begin your exciting journey into law, LSAC has reimagined the ways we can support your success. With the goal of reducing barriers to legal education, our new Plus, Guided Journey program is designed to fit into your busy lifestyle by providing structured resources and proactive, tailored support.
For more than two decades, LSAC’s Plus program has been at the forefront of empowering aspiring law students. For 2024, the program has undergone a transformative redesign, enabling it to reach more students, offer increased support throughout the application journey, and collaborate with a greater number of law schools than ever before.
With the continued growth and development of LSAC’s LawHub, Khan Academy and LSAC believe students will be best served by having one centralized place to go to prepare for the LSAT, and that place should be LawHub.
Legal employment outcomes are one important marker that we can look to, to measure progress on law school and legal employers’ efforts to diversity the profession.
The ABA recently voted to allow law students to earn up to 50% of their credits through distance learning. This expanded opportunity for online learning will increase access to legal education.