Laura Sorgini joined the Law School Admission Council as EIT Accessibility Coordinator in November 2020. In this role, Laura functions as LSAC’s chief corporate accessibility lead for all matters involving digital products and services provided to members, candidates, and customers. She works with her legal and technology partners to define policies, develop goals and strategies, and lead an organization-wide accessibility program. Sorgini has been guiding the creation of digital experiences for more than 20 years. She has a passion for inclusion and is committed to advancing equity and access. For the past ten years, she has led strategic planning and educational support for programs in web, mobile, and digital document accessibility. She is a Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies (CPACC).
May 20 marks the celebration of the 10th Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). GAAD was created to get everyone talking, thinking, and learning about digital accessibility and the more than one billion people who live with disabilities.