Due to scheduled system maintenance, LSAC customer service representatives will be available only from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET on Thursday, March 27. We will return to our normal schedule, 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET, on Friday, March 28.

deciding whether or not to cancel her LSAT score

LSAT Score Cancellations

Please note:

  • There are no refunds for canceled scores.
  • Valid score cancellation requests are irreversible and cannot be rescinded.
  • Once your score is released, it becomes a permanent part of your record, and you will not be permitted to cancel that score unless you have purchased LSAT Score Preview.

How to Cancel Your LSAT Score

If you are an LSAT taker who did not purchase LSAT Score Preview, you may decide to cancel your LSAT score within six (6) calendar days after your test date. You can cancel your score through the LSAT Status page opens in new window of your LSAC JD Account or by contacting LSAC directly at LSACinfo@LSAC.org or 1.800.336.3982.

If you choose to cancel your score on the deadline day, please do so during our business hours. If you have technical problems canceling your score after business hours, we will not be able to extend the deadline.

Scores Canceled by LSAC

LSAC reserves the right to cancel or withhold test scores if, in our sole opinion, there is adequate reason to question their validity, or for other reasons.

Scores canceled by LSAC may fall into several categories:

  1. Scores may be canceled because of circumstances beyond your control, such as faulty test materials. In such cases, we will notify law schools of the cancellation and arrange a retest at no charge on the next regularly scheduled test date.
  2. LSAC will investigate and reserves the right to cancel any test score if, in our opinion, there is any question as to its validity. When the validity of a score is questioned by LSAC, we will notify the test taker of the reasons for questioning the score and we will provide options appropriate to the specific circumstances.
  3. If you are discovered to be in possession of (or otherwise using) a prohibited electronic device during the test, you may be issued an LSAT Violation Notice and the proctor may terminate your test session. Such violations will be grounds for cancellation of your test score, and you may be subject to an LSAC investigation that may lead to a finding of misconduct or irregularity. LSAC will enforce this policy from the time you complete the security check-in procedure for your test until the time that your proctor announces the conclusion of your test session.
  4. Any test taker observed reading or working in the wrong LSAT section or working beyond the time limit in a test section is engaging in prohibited behavior. If you are observed or suspected of engaging in any prohibited behavior, the test proctor may discontinue your test and log their observations on an irregularity report for submission to LSAC. At its sole discretion, LSAC reserves the right to review irregularity reports and take action in response. As a result of an irregularity report being issued, LSAC may elect not to score your test or to cancel your previously reported test score. Any such decision by LSAC is final and shall not be subject to appeal. If your test is canceled pursuant to this section, you forfeit your registration fees for the canceled test and no refund of your registration fees will be issued to you by LSAC. The test proctor is not required to give you any notice or warning if the test proctor observes any prohibited behavior or suspected prohibited behavior.
  5. If you fail to check in for Section 3 of the LSAT prior to the expiration of the 10-minute intermission, your testing session will be terminated and your score will be canceled. This cancellation will be recorded by LSAC as a Candidate Cancel and reported to any school to which you apply for admission that utilizes LSAC’s Credential Assembly Service (CAS) reports.
  6. Scores may be canceled due to any failure to follow any of the proctor’s instructions during the LSAT, including, but not limited to, leaving the testing area or “camera range” prior to the LSAT proctor’s instructions to do so.

  7. Any failure to follow any of the instructions with respect to items permitted or prohibited during the LSAT set forth in Sections 12, 13 and 14, respectively, of the Candidate Agreement could result in score cancellation.

  8. Any failure to follow any of the instructions with respect to prohibited electronic devices for the LSAT set forth in Section 13 of the Candidate Agreement may result in score cancellation.

  9. Scores may be canceled as a result of any suspicious behavior observed by the proctor during the LSAT.

  10. Possession of any prohibited item for the LSAT as identified in Section 14 of the Candidate Agreement could result in score cancellation.

  11. Scores may be canceled as a result of any compromises in the Registration, Testing, Test Scoring, or Test Score Reporting Processes, or Group Irregularities as described in Section 23 of the Candidate Agreement.