Due to scheduled system maintenance, LSAC customer service representatives will be available only from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET on Thursday, March 27. We will return to our normal schedule, 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET, on Friday, March 28.

Multicolored calendar dates on sheets of paper

Test Date Changes

Before your current LSAT administration’s Test Date Change deadline has passed, you may request to take the LSAT on a different date within the current testing year. LSAT testing years run from July through June.

You can request a test date change through the LSAT Status page of your LSAC JD Account.

Policy for 2024-2025 LSAT Administrations

  • Through your administration’s registration deadline, you will have the option to request a test date change free of charge.
  • After the registration deadline has passed, you can request a test date change for $145 up to seven days after your test administration’s registration deadline. You can find exact deadlines for each administration by clicking the links on the Upcoming LSAT Dates page.
  • After this deadline, you can continue to request a test date change for $238 until 11:59 p.m. (ET) on the night before the first day of testing for your LSAT administration.

Please review the deadlines listed for each administration for exact dates.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I’m registered for the final exam in a testing year?

If you’re registered for the final exam of a testing year (e.g., the June 2024 LSAT) and the exam’s Test Date Change deadline has not yet passed, you may change your test date to the first exam of the following testing year. The first exam of the 2024-2025 testing year will be administered in August. Registration for this test will open on May 20, 2024. You will be able to request a test date change at that time.

My administration’s Test Date Change deadline has passed. What should I do?

Please withdraw your registration through the LSAT Status page of your LSAC JD Account by 11:59 p.m. (ET), the day before you are scheduled to test. Withdrawing your registration will prevent an absentee notation from appearing on your LSAC file. (Please note: You will not receive a refund. If you register for another test date, you will be required to pay the full LSAT registration fee.)

If you did not schedule a testing time through Prometric by your administration’s scheduling deadline, your registration will be automatically withdrawn, without a refund.

For additional questions, please contact LSAC’s Customer Relationships team at LSACinfo@LSAC.org or 1.800.336.3982. Our staff is available and eager to help.