Due to scheduled system maintenance, LSAC customer service representatives will be available only from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET on Thursday, March 27. We will return to our normal schedule, 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET, on Friday, March 28.

The LSAT Advantage

The LSAT is the most trusted test in law school admissions and the only test accepted by all ABA-accredited law schools. Get your legal education journey off to the right start with the LSAT.

Registration is now open for all LSAT administrations through June 2025. Most test takers will have the choice of whether to take the test at home, proctored by a live, remote proctor, or in person at a Prometric digital testing center.

View Upcoming Test Dates

Frequently Asked Questions

Some law schools in the U.S. and Canada accept other tests. However, the LSAT is the only test accepted by all law schools, and the only test designed specifically for law school admission. Other tests are designed for different purposes and test different skills. The best way to assess your ability to succeed in law school is to take the LSAT.