Due to scheduled system maintenance, LSAC customer service representatives will be available only from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET on Thursday, March 27. We will return to our normal schedule, 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET, on Friday, March 28.

Woman at laptop computer using calculator.

Summer Pathway Programs

There are a number of programs available for students from underrepresented groups to explore and pursue their interest in law. Participating in one of these programs can help you build the skills you need to succeed in law school and in your future career, learn more about the law school application process, and develop a supportive network as you take the next step in your journey. Whether you’re a first-year undergraduate or you’re preparing to enter law school, find the right opportunity for you.

  • Catalyst by SEO Law opens in new window — Provides free resources to underrepresented students applying to law school, including a four-month Spring LSAT Program, a five-month Summer/Fall Admissions Consulting Program (including workshops and customized review and guidance in the preparation of application materials), discussions with law school admission officers, and attorney mentorship. There is no cost to apply or participate in the program. The program is entirely virtual; students may participate no matter where they are located. 
  • CLEO ASAP – Achieving Success in the Application Process opens in new window — A two-day summer seminar designed to help prospective law school applicants understand the importance of factors in the admission process that are often overlooked or undervalued. 
  • CLEO Pre-Law Summer Institute opens in new window and CLEO EDGE Pre-Law Summer Institute Scholarship opens in new window — A multiweek online and residential program designed to prepare graduating seniors — or graduates who plan to attend law school in the fall — to be more competitive law school students. Those who successfully complete the program become CLEO or CLIC Fellows. The $2,500 cost includes room, board, and instructional materials. Applicants to CLEO’s Pre-Law Summer Institute may apply for the $2,500 Pre-Law Summer Institute Scholarship to cover these costs.
  • LSAC Prelaw Undergraduate Scholars (PLUS) Programs — PLUS programs are targeted, but not restricted, to college students from racial and ethnic minority groups that have been underrepresented in the legal profession. There is no cost to apply or attend. Participants will focus on the skills required to succeed in law school, the law school admission process, and a legal career.
  • SEO Law Fellowship Program opens in new window — Provides a paid 10-week summer experience to underrepresented students the summer before law school, including a 2-week academic and career development training program followed by an 8-week internship at a corporate law firm to help Fellows excel in law school and jumpstart their legal careers. Fellows are placed at firms located in the following cities: Atlanta, Boston, Cleveland, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco Bay Area, Washington, D.C., and Wilmington (DE). Once in law school, Fellows receive complementary tutoring sessions during their first year of law school and ongoing career and mentorship support. There is no cost to apply or participate in the program. 
  • Summer Pre-law Achievers Network at Suffolk Law in Boston opens in new window — This free two-week summer pipeline program is part of Suffolk Law’s ongoing efforts to eliminate bias and enhance diversity in the legal profession and justice system by prioritizing educational and career pipelines to ensure equity for all students and attorneys. Achievers is designed to equip participants who come from diverse or nontraditional backgrounds with the tools they will need to prepare successful applications to law school and succeed once they are admitted.
  • The Yale Law School Launchpad Scholars Program, powered by Latham & Watkins opens in new window — A one-year program that provides participants with application and career-readiness support, including substantial LSAT preparation, attorney and law student mentorship, and other resources that will prepare participants to apply to the law schools of their choosing. The program is open to all current college students and graduates planning to apply to law school in the fall of 2024, but especially welcomes applications from members of groups historically underrepresented in the legal profession. There is no cost to apply or participate in the program.