American University Washington College of Law
The information on this page was provided by the law school.
Official Guide to LLM, Master’s, and Certificate Programs
Located in the nation’s capital, American University Washington College of Law offers students an exceptional legal education, unparalleled networking opportunities, and access to internships at prestigious international organizations, law firms, and companies.
Founded in 1896 by two pioneering women during a time when women were generally excluded from the legal profession, it became the first law school in the world founded by women, the first to appoint a woman dean, and the first to graduate an all-female law school class. Proudly positioned as a top law school, Washington College of Law is renowned for excellence in experiential learning (clinics and externships), international law, law and government, intellectual property, health law, business, and gender and the law. Our pursuit of greatness is reflected in our community of 20,000 alumni, including over 4,000 LL.M. graduates, who have achieved academic and professional success in law, business, consulting, government service, public interest, academia, and humanitarian work worldwide.
Today, our carefully curated LL.M. programs and state-of-the-art campus unite tradition with innovation. This is where the world meets to study law.
Physical Facilities
State-of-the-art Tenley Campus
- 24/7 access to the Pence Law Library
- Full range of electronic journals and databases
- Reference librarian assistance available from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm during the week and from noon to 5:00 pm on the weekends
- Free campus-wide wireless network
- Jacobs Fitness Center and Reeves Aquatic Center
- Campus conveniently located in Washington, DC, in a parklike suburban setting, one block from the Metro
On-campus housing is not available to graduate students, but many resources regarding area housing are provided to students upon admission through resource guides, discussion boards, and Listserv postings. Due to the metropolitan location of the law school, many housing options are available to all incoming students.
LLM Programs/Areas of Specialization
American University Washington College of Law offers nine LLM programs that are 24 credits and generally take one calendar year to complete.
In addition to the LLM programs mentioned below, the Law School offers an SJD Program for aspiring legal academics and a JD Transfer for LLM and Foreign Lawyers Program. Please visit the websites directly for additional information on these programs.
The LL.M. in Advocacy, administered by the law school’s top ranked Stephen S. Weinstein Trial Advocacy Program, combines rigorous academics with a breadth of practical domestic litigation training. Courses focus on the use of modern technology in litigation and the training of ethical trial lawyers, and the program’s innovative curriculum aids graduates in preparation for all aspects of U.S. litigation.
Areas of study include:
- Criminal Trial Advocacy
- Civil Trial Advocacy
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
Gender, International and Comparative Law*
The only program of its kind, the LL.M. in Gender, International and Comparative Law equips its LL.M. graduates with the legal and policy skills needed to address challenges facing women and LGBTQ+ people worldwide. Students will delve into the legal and social structures that shape the daily lives of women and LGBTQ+ individuals globally. This includes anti-discrimination law, economic development, reproductive rights, and family law. Additionally, students will explore recent international developments in protecting these rights, as seen in international bodies, regional human rights mechanisms, and international tribunals.
The LL.M. students have the opportunity to intern at leading domestic and international nongovernmental organizations that address women’s rights and LGBTQ+ rights, as well as at international organizations with missions to mainstream gender into all aspects of their work.
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law*
Our LL.M. in International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law offers the leading specialized training to human rights for lawyers from the United States and abroad. The program prepares students to take an active role in this field by providing advanced and comprehensive training by world-renowned faculty of human rights experts from academia, international tribunals, civil society, and international organizations; and one of the most extensive human rights curriculums in the world, with nearly 40 core and elective courses in the field.
LL.M. students have the option to obtain their degree in-residence, hybrid or online, in English or Spanish. Our innovative hybrid structure allows students to study while continuing their important work from anywhere in the world and join our robust summer program in person.
Areas of study include:
- International Protection of Human Rights
- Advanced Human Rights
- International Humanitarian Law
- International Criminal Law
- United Nations Human Rights System
- Inter-American Human Rights System
- The Rights of Vulnerable Groups
- Women and International Human Rights Law
- Terrorism and Human Rights
- Business and Human Rights
Derechos Humanos y Derecho Humanitario (Spanish language LL.M.)
Nuestro Máster en Derechos Humanos y Derecho Internacional Humanitario ofrece la formación especializada líder en derechos humanos para abogados de alrededor del mundo. El programa prepara a los estudiantes para asumir un papel activo en este campo al brindarles una formación avanzada e integral a cargo de un cuerpo docente de renombre mundial compuesto por expertos en derechos humanos provenientes de la academia, tribunales internacionales, la sociedad civil y organizaciones internacionales y uno de los planes de estudios de derechos humanos más extensos del mundo, con casi 40 cursos básicos y electivos en el campo.
Los estudiantes del Máster en Derechos Humanos tienen la opción de obtener su título ya sea en residencia, de manera híbrida o en línea, en inglés o español y, en la modalidad residencial en inglés pueden calificar para el examen de la barra de Nueva York. Nuestra innovadora estructura híbrida permite a los estudiantes estudiar mientras continúan con su importante trabajo desde cualquier parte del mundo y unirse a nuestro sólido programa de verano en persona.
Las áreas de estudio incluyen:
- Protección internacional de los derechos humanos
- Derechos humanos avanzados
- Derecho internacional humanitario
- Derecho penal internacional
- Sistema de derechos humanos de las Naciones Unidas
- Sistema interamericano de derechos humanos
- Los derechos de los grupos vulnerables
- Las mujeres y el derecho internacional de los derechos humanos
- Terrorismo y derechos humanos
- Empresas y derechos humanos
Intellectual Property*
The LL.M. in Intellectual Property is offered through one of the world’s leading centers for the study of intellectual property and information law. The program reflects the law school’s core strengths: world-renowned faculty, expansive curriculum, dynamic research and advocacy programs, engaged career development professionals, and unparalleled experiential learning opportunities in a global center of intellectual property policymaking and legal practice. The curriculum offered is carefully curated to provide students with a diverse course offering that cover not only the core areas, but specialized topics, reflecting the engagement of our faculty to stay on top of this complex, frequently changing, and increasingly global field.
Areas of study include:
- Patent
- Copyright
- Trademark
- Art and Design
- Cyberlaw
- Intellectual Property Licensing
- International and Comparative Intellectual Property
- Media and Communications
International Arbitration and Business Law*
The LL.M. in International Arbitration and Business Law is a flexible (in-residence, hybrid, or online) degree program designed for professionals and law graduates interested in commercial cross-border transactions and dispute settlement through arbitration. The faculty are accomplished arbitrators, practitioners, academics, and representatives from arbitral institutions. They bring a broad spectrum of practical experience to the classroom. The direct interaction and engagement with this exceptional faculty enables students in this LL.M. program to build valuable professional relationships. In addition, the location offers access to exceptional networking events, top law firms, and the leading investor-state dispute center.
The core courses of this LL.M. degree cover the fundamentals of international arbitration and business law, and include commercial and investment arbitration, alternative dispute resolution, international business transactions, international contracts and sales, and international investment law. The key electives complement the core courses and cover certain focus areas, such as choice-of-law issues in international arbitration, ICC arbitration, the calculation of damages in arbitration, mediation, negotiation, and international contract drafting.
International Business and Trade Law*
The LL.M. in International Business and Trade Law is designed for lawyers and law graduates interested in the international law of trade, investment, finance, and other business transactions. Students will acquire the knowledge and practical skills needed for future careers in international legal practice, consulting, and policymaking. Taught in Washington, D.C., by topnotch academics and practitioners, the LL.M. presents unique experiential learning and career opportunities.
The LL.M.’s core courses cover the fundamentals of trade regulation and negotiations under U.S., WTO and other international trade agreements, as well as international sales, transfer of technology, and other cross-border transactions. The key electives complement the core courses and cover certain focus areas, including WTO law, U.S. trade law, sanction and export controls, trade and investment, bilateral and regional trade agreements, e-commerce, trade in services and intellectual property, currency, and financial transactions. Students may also explore the linkages between trade, business, and other areas of law, such as environment, human rights, labor, and gender.
International Legal Studies*
Established in 1982, the LL.M. Program in International Legal Studies is among US’s oldest and most prestigious LL.M. programs, offering 100+ courses in various areas of international law. Students are free to design their own individual curriculum tailored to their interest and career goals. They may take a general course of study, or choose a specialized curriculum in any of the following areas:
- Gender, International & Comparative Law
- International Arbitration and Business Law
- International Business Law
- International Business and Trade Law
- International Criminal Law
- International Environmental Law
- International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
As part of the curriculum, students may do externships for credit at international organizations, government agencies, law firms, and local think tanks in Washington, D.C.
With ILSP, students become part of a vibrant intellectual environment, interacting with AUWCL’s 100+ full-time and adjunct faculty specialized in various areas of international law. Our faculty members are world renowned and have long-standing ties to potential employers in the United States and abroad. ILSP has great reputation for its global reach, with students from 50+ countries and 4,000+ alumni from around the world.
Law and Government
Our LL.M. in Law and Government will prepare you to grasp the issues that are at the intersection of law, politics, and all levels of government through a broad-based examination of public law in the United States. Designed for both domestic and international law graduates who have a strong interest in U.S. government and politics, the dynamics of democracy, and the meaning of the rule of law, the LL.M. in Law and Government takes students on a broad and deep examination of the most important public policy issues of the time.
Potential specialization areas:
- Administrative and Regulatory Law
- Business and Financial Regulation
- Constitutional Law and Civil Rights
- Constitutional Literacy (with the Marshall-Brennan Constitutional Literacy Program)
- Disability Rights
- Employment and Labor Law
- Environmental Law and Policy
- Gender and the Law
- Health Law and Policy
- Immigration Law and Policy
- Intellectual Property
- Law, Politics and Legislation
- Local and State Government
- Public Interest
The LL.M. in Legislation is designed for lawyers interested in the intersection of law and domestic public policy. It equips lawyers with practical skills such as legislative and regulatory drafting, legislative and regulatory negotiation, and statutory interpretation. The curriculum includes Legislation and Statutory Interpretation, Legislative Drafting, Legislative Negotiation, Constitutional Powers of the Presidency, Election Law, Campaign Finance, Legislative Process, Political Process, Government Oversight, and Legislative Lawyering. With a strong tenured, full-time, and adjunct faculty, extensive alumni network, and prime Washington, DC location, we offer a broad array of curricular and extracurricular experiences, including cutting-edge courses, symposia and panels, and career counseling, all designed to maximize the advantages of studying law at the center of the modern administrative state.
*Indicates a program through which international students may choose to take certain U.S. law courses required to qualify for the New York bar examination.
Contact Information
For more information, please visit the Office of Graduate Admissions website or contact:
American University Washington College of Law
Office of Graduate Admissions
4300 Nebraska Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20016
Phone: 202.274.4110
Financial Aid
AUWCL is a law school dedicated to graduate legal education. To create educational opportunities for students from diverse backgrounds, the LL.M. programs offer several scholarships, both partial and full, based on academic merit. Below is a list of some of the scholarships offered.
- Merit-Base Scholarships: Offered to students with strong academic performance in law school, and/or prior legal work experience. All applicants are automatically considered for a Merit Scholarship when they submit their application. This scholarship decision will be made concurrently with the admissions decision.
- Alumni Fund Scholarship: Full-tuition scholarship offered to students in the LL.M. in International Legal Studies, LL.M. in International Business & Trade Law, and LL.M. in Gender, International & Comparative Law who display rigorous academic dedication to the advancement of issues in international law. The deadline to apply is March 1 for the fall award and October 1 for the spring award. Visit our scholarship website for detailed rules and application information on how to apply.
- International Arbitration Special Merit Scholarship: Full-tuition scholarship offered to students in the LL.M. International Arbitration and Business Law who display potential of becoming leaders in the area of international arbitration. The deadline to apply is March 1 for the fall award and October 1 for the spring award. Visit our scholarship website for detailed rules and application information on how to apply.
- AUWCL Global Talent Development Scholarship: Partial-tuition scholarship offered to students in the LL.M. in International Legal Studies, LL.M. in International Business and Trade Law, LL.M. in International Arbitration and Business Law, and LL.M. in Gender, International and Comparative Law. Visit our scholarship website for detailed rules and application information on how to apply.
- Organization of American States Scholarship: Partial-tuition scholarship offered to students in the LL.M. in International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law and the LL.M. in International Arbitration and Business Law. Visit our scholarship website for detailed rules and application information on how to apply.
- LLM Fellowships in Law and Government, Legislation and Intellectual Property: The LLM Fellowship is designed for exceptional students passionately committed to their field of specialization. Successful applicants will have an exemplary academic background and a demonstrated potential to excel in the LLM program. The fellow will enroll in the 24-credit LLM program and will receive a number of benefits, including a partial scholarship. For information about the application and its benefits, please visit our scholarship website and select the relevant program.
Student Services and Organizations
The students at American University Washington College of Law come from all overt the world. The diverse faculty and student body offer many opportunities for students to thrive academically and socially. Each semester the LLM programs plan many events, discussions, and conferences that allow students to not only socialize, but also network with faculty members and legal professionals in the field. LLM students are eligible to take part in any of the student-run organizations within the law school.
Career Services
The Office of Career and Professional Development (OCPD) at American University Washington College of Law is committed to working with LLM students by helping them formulate dynamic job-search campaigns that correspond to their career interests. OCPD offers both foreign-trained and domestic-trained LLM candidates career counseling along with résumé review, mock interviews, career database access, and career-development programs and events.
Additional Information
American University Washington College of Law offers many short summer programs both in DC and abroad. Programs range from one to six weeks during the first part of summer. Several summer programs, if taken for credit, can be directed toward your LLM degree.
Summer Programs in Washington DC
- Anti-Corruption Law
- Commercial Arbitration
- Health Law & Policy
- Hospitality & Tourism Law
- Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
- Intellectual Property & Tech
Summer Programs Abroad
- London and Brussels: International Business and EU Regulation
- Geneva: International Trade and Intellectual Property
- Geneva: International Human Rights
- The Hague: International Criminal Justice
- Geneva: International Law Commission Experiential Opportunity
For more information, visit summer programs.