University of Kentucky J. David Rosenberg College of Law
The information on this page was provided by the law school.
Official Guide to ABA-Approved JD Programs
The J. David Rosenberg College of Law, founded in 1908, is celebrating over one hundred years of service to the Commonwealth of Kentucky. We are proud to have provided legal education to many of Kentucky’s leaders and outstanding lawyers, and we believe that our current students will join the ranks of those who have helped to better this state.

The JD Program
From the first day of orientation to the final gathering at Commencement, the University of Kentucky J. David Rosenberg College of Law provides a unique community in which to study law. UK Rosenberg Law has a rich history as one of the nation's first law schools and an accomplished student body that competes and wins local, regional, and national competitions. Our award-winning faculty offer personalized attention and our staff at UK Rosenberg Law are committed to empowering students to rise towards their personal best.
Competitive but not cut-throat, UK Rosenberg Law offers 15 clinical and externship opportunities for real-world experience, a network for career development student organizations for educational growth, social activities and community services, student-run law journals, Academic Enhancement Program for support during the academic journey and four dual degree programs.

Legal Clinic
Third-year students at UK Rosenberg Law have the unique opportunity to advise, counsel and represent needy clients on a variety of civil legal matters. Under the Kentucky Supreme Court's limited practice rule, and with the supervision of the clinical director, third year law students represent clients before state agencies and in state court proceedings. Students also interview clients, draft legal documents, file pleadings and conduct discovery.
The Legal Clinic allows students to integrate their knowledge of substantive and procedural law with practice skills, including problem identification and solving, legal analysis, legal research, interviewing, investigation, counseling, negotiation, drafting, case planning and management, and the recognition and resolution of ethical problems. UK's Legal Clinic offers an exceptional introduction to the realities of legal practice and client representation, whether you choose to pursue a career in public interest law or private practice.
Dual Degree
UK Rosenberg Law offers four dual degree programs in conjunction with the other graduate schools at the University of Kentucky:
- JD/MBA Business Administration
- JD/MPA Public Administration
- JD/MHA Health Administration
- JD/MA Diplomacy and International Commerce
Student Life
Pro Bono and Community Engagement
The University of Kentucky College of Law is committed to providing public service opportunities for UK Law students and encouraging civic engagement by faculty in relation to academic expertise. It is part of our mission to enhance the public’s understanding of law, engage in law reform and provide legal services to the indigent.
Student Organizations
A majority of UK Rosenberg Law students are active in one or more student organizations all of which provide students with the opportunity for professional development, extra-curricular scholarship and competition, social activities, community service, and networking opportunities with members of the local bar.
Career Placement and Bar Passage
Tuition and Aid
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UK Rosenberg Law awards scholarships based on merit, primarily LSAT and cumulative GPA (as determined by the Law School Admissions Council's Credential Assembly Service). With your admission to UK Rosenberg Law, you will automatically be considered for merit scholarships on the basis of your application. Merit scholarships are available for both resident and nonresident candidates. UK Rosenberg Law offers the following full scholarship opportunities: Rosenberg Scholars, The Bert Combs Scholar and the Ashland Inc. Legal Scholar.
Students retain their scholarships by remaining in good academic standing with a 2.2 or better. The University of Kentucky J. David Rosenberg College of Law does not award scholarships that are conditional on law school academic performance, other than requiring a student to remain in good academic standing with a 2.2 GPA or better. Therefore, we do not post a conditional scholarship retention data worksheet.

Admission Decisions: Beyond the Numbers
The University of Kentucky J. David Rosenberg College of Law undertakes a "full-file" review of each candidate's application file through the work of the Admissions Committee, which is typically comprised of faculty members, the Director of Admissions, and a current student. Each file receives a full initial read from a voting member of the Committee followed by Committee discussion. Other members of the Committee may read the file in addition to the initial reviewer.
In reviewing files, considering applicants, and measuring academic potential for admission to the College of Law, the Committee often begins with applicants' undergraduate grade point average as well as performance on the Law School Admission Test. Other factors include but are not limited to writing skills as demonstrated in the students' statement(s), the trend of undergraduate or other graduate grades, letters of recommendation, and work or other experiences while an undergraduate and, when applicable, between graduation from college and law school application. Data from other schools as well as the experience of Admissions Committee members and the College of Law's past analyses suggest substantial correlation between law school performance, admission to the bar, and these factors.