A blog exploring all aspects of law and legal education — the future of the legal profession, access to justice, diversity and inclusion, testing and assessment, law and technology, and more.
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Susannah Pollvogt describes the importance of learning outcomes for law schools.
Alexus Johnson knew she had a purpose as she embarked on a path to a law degree, and while beating what many would consider to be insurmountable odds, it’s that purpose that continues to fuel her journey.
Legal employment outcomes are one important marker that we can look to, to measure progress on law school and legal employers’ efforts to diversity the profession.
The ABA recently voted to allow law students to earn up to 50% of their credits through distance learning. This expanded opportunity for online learning will increase access to legal education.
A sense of belonging is linked to many positive outcomes, such as improved mental health.
LSAC’s newest program can help you build a solid foundation to help you thrive academically and professionally.
By Susannah Pollvogt
By Susannah Pollvogt
LSAC LawHub® has come a long way since it launched early last year to provide LSAT prep tools to candidates, but we think there’s even more this platform can do — for candidates, law students, and those who’ve already earned their degrees.
The team that administers the LSAC PLUS Program at Akron Law reflects on the program’s success and lasting impact.
By Emma K.F. Schulze
By Emma K.F. Schulze
Ebony Freeland Bryant reflects on how the LSAC PLUS Program, which she oversees at Duke Law, has impacted both the students she has worked with and her own life.
By Ebony Freeland Bryant
By Ebony Freeland Bryant
The new Chair of LSAC's Board of Trustees shares his vision of the "Generation of Change" with attendees at LSAC's Annual Meeting.
By John Valery White
By John Valery White