A blog exploring all aspects of law and legal education — the future of the legal profession, access to justice, diversity and inclusion, testing and assessment, law and technology, and more.
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A sense of belonging is linked to many positive outcomes, such as improved mental health.
LSAC’s newest program can help you build a solid foundation to help you thrive academically and professionally.
By Susannah Pollvogt
By Susannah Pollvogt
The team that administers the LSAC PLUS Program at Akron Law reflects on the program’s success and lasting impact.
By Emma K.F. Schulze
By Emma K.F. Schulze
Ebony Freeland Bryant reflects on how the LSAC PLUS Program, which she oversees at Duke Law, has impacted both the students she has worked with and her own life.
By Ebony Freeland Bryant
By Ebony Freeland Bryant
Using the PLUS Program as a model, three Texas schools developed a unique model of student-support collaborations between an HBCU and a PWI.
By Eric Dieter
By Eric Dieter
Los Angeles-area native Fabian Guzman speaks frankly on why it’s important for those working in the legal field to look like the people they serve.
Carlos Cedillo-Silva saw a legal education as a far-fetched dream, but a summer in the PLUS Program turned his burden into a reality.
Keni Anthony says she’s always wanted to attend a historically Black university. “Ever since I was little, watching my auntie walk across the stage at Savannah State, I knew from that age that that would be me,” she says.
Victoria Esparza saw her life upended by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a senior studying political science and Spanish at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Esparza hoped to enter law school the fall after graduation. But financial hardships related to the pandemic, and needing to care for her younger sister while their mother worked, forced her to delay her plans.
Kristen Juhan crunched the numbers and found her career wasn’t adding up. She’d majored in business economics in college and was working as a certified public accountant, but it wasn’t as fulfilling as she’d hoped it would be.