Due to scheduled system maintenance, LSAC customer service representatives will be available only from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET on Thursday, March 27. We will return to our normal schedule, 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET, on Friday, March 28.

Collage of prospective law students

Khan Academy LSAT Test Prep Resources Coming to LSAC’s LawHub by June 2024

By Annmarie Levins

LSAC and Khan Academy have provided free LSAT® prep through Khan Academy's Official LSAT Prep since June 2018, which has helped hundreds of thousands of test takers from all backgrounds access free, high-quality test preparation resources.

When LSAC initially collaborated with Khan Academy to provide free LSAT prep on the Khan Academy platform, there was no other destination available for students to access free LSAT prep. In February 2020, LSAC began providing free and low-cost test preparation resources through LawHub™. Over time, LawHub has grown into a popular destination for test prep and other resources to support people's learning journey from prelaw through practice.

Khan Academy and LSAC are committed to providing students with the tools, resources, and guidance they need to prepare for the LSAT. With the continued growth and development of LSAC’s LawHub, Khan Academy and LSAC believe students will be best served by having one centralized place to go to prepare for the LSAT, and that place should be LawHub.

To provide a seamless experience for students, LSAC and Khan Academy have agreed to bring the LSAT lessons, videos, articles, practice exercises, question explanations, and other test preparation materials from Khan Academy to LSAC’s free and low-cost test prep offerings on LawHub.

We are proud of the work we have done together, and the tens of thousands of students who have benefited from the free LSAT test prep resources we’ve provided through Khan Academy. This work over the past five years has provided a tremendous foundation, and we are excited to continue providing these tools and resources through the free and low-cost test prep options on LawHub.

LSAC and Khan Academy are working together to ensure a smooth transition for students. This transition will be completed by June 30, 2024.

  • Khan Academy will continue to offer Official LSAT Prep through June 2024.
  • Starting in February 2024, LSAC will begin to offer versions of the videos, articles, practice exercises, question explanations, and other resources we have developed in collaboration with Khan Academy, through our free and low-cost options on LawHub.
  • LSAC is working through the details on how the material from Khan Academy will be presented on LawHub.
    • Starting in February 2024, we plan to start providing more than 100 lessons, videos, and nearly 100 explanatory articles currently on Khan Academy on our free LawHub test prep site.
    • Also starting February 2024, we will start providing content from Khan Academy’s practice exercises on our free LawHub test prep site.
    • LawHub’s free test prep site includes four full practice tests for free. We will be providing question explanations for all four free practice tests as soon as possible and by the end of June 2024.
    • More Khan Academy content, including additional practice tests with explanations, will be available on LSAC’s LawHub Advantage, which provides 75 full prep tests for a low subscription price. In line with LSAC’s mission to promote access, equity, and fairness in law school admission, students who qualify for LSAC’s fee waiver program automatically receive a free subscription to LawHub Advantage.

As announced October 18, the format of the LSAT will be changing, starting with the August 2024 test. To help students planning to take the LSAT during the 2024-2025 testing cycle, LSAC will be providing test prep materials on LawHub that mirror the revised August 2024 test format. These materials will be available exclusively on LawHub starting February 2024, at the same time LSAC will begin providing on LawHub many of the tools and resources that have been jointly developed by Khan Academy and LSAC over the past five years, as outlined above.

Students preparing for the updated version of the LSAT, which will be administered starting August 2024, may want to consider using LawHub to prepare, as the Khan Academy LSAT test prep materials will retire test prep exercises and practice tests on its platform at the end of June 2024. After June 2024, Khan Academy will only host videos and articles related to LSAT prep.

LSAC and Khan Academy will continue to collaborate closely in the coming months to ensure test takers have the clarity and support they need, given the planned changes to the LSAT coming in August 2024 and the transition of tools and resources to LawHub.

Annmarie Levins

Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer, LSAC

Annmarie Levins is executive vice president and chief strategy officer at Law School Admission Council. She earned her BA in political science from Brown University, her PhD in politics from Princeton University, and her JD from University of Maine School of Law.