Increasing Confidence and Building Community for New Prelaw Advisors

By Kyle McEntee

The work of prelaw advising can be daunting, and that’s especially true for those just starting out in this essential role. And because of the rotating nature of prelaw advisor work — with perhaps one professor filling that role one year, then a different professor the following year — a lot of prelaw advisors are new to it. For some, the challenge is not knowing where to start; others are unsure about where to go or whom to consult for information. And sometimes, you just need to know what you don’t know yet.

LSAC recognizes these challenges, which is why we’ve created Prelaw Advisor Newcomers Training External link opens in new browser window. Launching in August, this engaging program is designed primarily for those with less than two years of prelaw advising experience. Whether you’re brand new or have a little time under your belt already, this training will help you gain confidence in the advising work you do on campus.

Over a four-week period, participants will experience a combination of on-demand content, live educational sessions, and sessions where they can get answers from experts in the field. But the program isn’t over after August. Starting in September, you’ll be able to make connections with other advisors via monthly sessions, enabling you to work through challenges together and get peer input on strategies you’re implementing in your work. As a result, you’ll be able to solidify your footing in this dynamic environment and know you’re serving your students and institution as effectively as possible.

For more information about the program and to sign up, visit the PLA Newcomers Training External link opens in new browser window page at

Kyle McEntee

Senior Director of Prelaw Engagement

Kyle McEntee is senior director of prelaw engagement with the Law School Admission Council.