Due to scheduled system maintenance, LSAC customer service representatives will be available only from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET on Thursday, March 27. We will return to our normal schedule, 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET, on Friday, March 28.

Student working at desk with laptop.

Steps to Apply: JD Programs

Applying to law school requires planning. We are here to guide you as you prepare, apply, and — ultimately — choose where you want to go to law school.

The JD Application Process: An Overview

Find your prelaw advisor at your undergraduate school

Most undergraduate schools offer career support for current students and recent alumni. If you have access to a prelaw advisor or to career counseling at your undergraduate institution, find time to speak with an advisor as early in your law school journey as possible. If you’re still pursuing your undergraduate degree, an advisor can recommend courses that will help you build the skills you’ll need for law school. Even if you’ve already graduated, your advisor can help you prepare for the law school application process by giving advice on LSAT® preparation, school choice, and more.

If you’re not sure how to get in touch with your prelaw advisor or career services office, LSAC can help you find their contact information. Once you add your undergraduate degree-granting institution to your LSAC online account opens in new window, your advisor’s contact details will be available at any time in the “Prelaw/Academic” section of your account.

Find Your Advisor opens in new window

Create your LSAC online account

Your LSAC online account will help you track the status of every step you take as you apply to your selected schools. Each school has specific application requirements and timelines. My Calendar lets you track those all-important deadlines. Use your LSAC account number as your primary identifier for all LSAC services.

Create Your Account

Register and prepare for the LSAT

Most law schools require the LSAT, and many will require you to take the test by November/December for admission the following fall. However, taking the test earlier — in June or September/October — is advisable. Schedule your test date with sufficient time to get your score before your first law school application is due. Preparing for the test is a must to ensure that you’ll do as well as you possibly can.

Register for the LSAT

Research law schools

Finding the law schools that are right for you is key. We have tools that will help you find schools that meet your interests and needs. Let us help you pursue a path to the law career you want!

Meet law school recruiters in person

At an LSAC Law School Forum, you can meet more than 100 law school recruiters face-to-face. Forums also feature exclusive workshops about the legal profession, the benefits of a law degree, LSAT prep, and more.

Register for the Credential Assembly Service (CAS)

Register for the Credential Assembly Service (CAS), if required, approximately six to eight weeks before your first law school application deadline. CAS will help streamline the application process: you'll only need to submit your transcripts and letters of recommendation once to LSAC. We will compile all your material in a law school report for the law schools that you choose.

Request all required transcripts

Allow two weeks for us to process your US or Canadian transcripts once we receive them from you. (International transcripts may take longer.) When it's ready, you'll be able to view an Academic Summary Report in your LSAC JD Account. Make sure it is complete and accurate.

Request letters of recommendation

School requirements for letters of recommendation will vary. You can download forms from your LSAC JD Account to send to your recommenders. Allow two weeks for us to process your recommendation once we get it from the recommender.

Apply online

You may apply to as many U.S. law schools as you choose through your LSAC JD Account.

Apply Now

Tips to Ease the Application Process

  • Make sure that all information in your LSAC account “Profile” is correct and current. You can make changes to your biographical information, including your first name, last name, date of birth, and Social Security/Insurance number, through your LSAC account.
  • Include your LSAC account number (L#) and use the same form of your name on all documents and communications with us.
  • Carefully review all documents and test-related emails we send to you.
  • Keep complete copies of all law school application records throughout the admission cycle and law school, as some state bar associations inquire about the law school admission records of those seeking admission to the bar.
  • Ethical conduct is expected and required in all of your interactions with LSAC and law schools. Misconduct and irregularities in the admission process can have serious consequences.
  • LSAC will release candidate-specific information only to you and to the law schools to which you have applied, and others as stated in our Privacy Policy. Information will not be released to or discussed with a parent, spouse, friend, or any other person.