In Memoriam
LSAC President 2007–2016
Athornia Steele Is Interim President of LSAC
Athornia Steele, former chair of the Law School Admission Council’s Board of Trustees, is serving as the interim president of LSAC following the sudden death of LSAC President Dan Bernstine on September 24. He was appointed to this position by current Board Chair Susan L. Krinsky.
Professor Steele has a long history with the Council. Since 1995, he has been an active volunteer on many of LSAC’s standing committees, subcommittees, and work groups. Prior to serving as LSAC’s Board chair from 2013 through 2015, he had been a member of the Board since 2005. He was also a member of the 2006–2007 President/Executive Director’s Search Committee, which culminated in the selection of Dan Bernstine as president.
The search for a new president is in progress. Dean Krinsky established a search committee composed of Renée Post (Penn); Michael States (Ohio State); Kevin Washburn (New Mexico); John White (UNLV); Chris Whitman (Michigan); Susan Krinsky, chair (Maryland); and Camille DeJorna (associate deputy managing director, ABA). A search firm has been engaged and will be working with this group and LSAC’s Board of Trustees in the coming weeks to develop a pool of candidates for the committee and Board to consider.
(published biannually)
© 2016 by Law School
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