After Law School, a Career of Bringing Justice to Those Who Need It

Laura Kubit

Laura Kubit knew from an early age that she wanted to be a lawyer — not to make a lot of money, but to help people who otherwise couldn’t afford it. “I was raised Unitarian Universalist, which is very heavy on social justice and the idea that every human being has worth and dignity,” she says. And she was inspired by her mother, who was dedicated to giving back to her community. “She died of cancer when I was 18,” Laura says, “but I still benefit from her example.”

This month, as we at LSAC celebrate diversity, equity, and inclusion in the legal profession, we wanted to share Laura’s story as an example of a legal professional who embodies a commitment to those values — and demonstrates the importance of making sure the doors of the legal system are open to all who seek justice.

Laura joined the Peace Corps after her undergraduate work and was overseas when she took the LSAT. When she attended law school, Laura relied on some of the skills she learned earlier in life. “You have to be a good problem-solver, but also a good translator,” she says. “The law is this complex set of rules — statutes, court rules, case law, and so on. As a lawyer, you have to navigate that system, but you also have to be able to convey these complex rules and terms to people who don’t have your background and training. And you have to do it in a way that they can understand, and that empowers them to seek access to the justice system. So you have to be civil and reasonable, and you have to have empathy.”

That empathy informed Laura’s career choice after law school. She now works as a civil legal aid attorney, and her office in Saginaw, Michigan, covers a 14-county service area. She serves people over age 55 who have been victims of financial exploitation or other forms of abuse or neglect. “I’m not a criminal attorney,” she says. “I provide free legal services to those who qualify. I try to take an approach of being reasonable and finding common ground while standing up for my clients. There’s no room for bullying and fear tactics in the legal system, and you can still accomplish your goals by being calm and reasonable.”

The work has given Laura a renewed appreciation for the importance of equity in law. “[My work] gives access to the justice system to those who couldn’t otherwise afford it,” she says. “That’s very rewarding, but more importantly, it helps to even the playing field for those people.”

The path Laura has chosen in law is a shining example of a law school graduate working to promote universal access to justice. She and many other lawyers understand that the legal system only truly works when it can respond to everyone’s needs, and she’s doing her part to make that a reality. LSAC is doing the same with our BE IndiVISIBLE campaign, which helps demonstrate the significance of law and the importance of access to justice and legal education. In addition to inspiring people, especially those in underserved communities, to consider a career in law, LSAC is here to support students to find the path in legal education that fits their needs and help them throughout their enrollment journeys and beyond. 

We’re proud to share Laura’s story, and to join with her and other dedicated legal professionals to make the world a more just and equitable place.

Susan L. Krinsky

Interim President and CEO of LSAC
Prior to joining LSAC’s leadership team in 2018, Susan L. Krinsky served as associate dean for student affairs and communications at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law and as associate dean at Tulane University Law School, handling admission, financial aid, career development, and communications. She earned her JD from Yale Law School.